Pet Care Links

Pet Care Information


Here are some of our favorite links. These should help you if you have questions about your pet.

Veterinary Partner Library - Maybe you're in search of more information about a medication your pet is taking, or want to research an animal medical condition. Or you have questions about proper nutrition for your pet, or caring for your pet's teeth. First aid and emergency preparedness, dental care, behavior, or fleas might be on your mind! Whatever you're looking for, if it's information that will make your pet happier and healthier, you'll find it here!

My Pet Care TV - Post questions and concerns, read blogs by your Veterinarian, watch informational videos, upload pictures, upload videos and discuss pet issues with other members!

Pet Place - Over 15000 veterinarian approved articles on pet care, pet names, pet health, dog breeds, cat breeds, puppies, kittens and more.

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